As executive recruiters in Sacramento, CA, Pacific ExecSearch knows that at most companies, employees follow the leader. In other words, they mirror what they see top management doing. As a result, when it comes to hiring, it’s important to ensure the new executives you bring on board set the right tone for their team. How can you do that? Start by looking for these 6 traits:

1. Communication.

Great communication skills are absolutely fundamental to success as a leader. Everything is done through communication. Strategies are outlined, initiatives are launched, goals are set, and team members are motivated. And excellent communicators don’t just talk. They listen to their people and know how to get them emotionally invested in their vision.

2. Results oriented.

At the end of the day, it’s what’s accomplished that counts most. And strong leaders know how to clarify goals, where to spend their time and energy – and also how to build high-performing teams – in order to yield the best results.

3. Vision.

The best leaders know exactly where they want to go. And in fact, this is the quality that can most separate a manager from a true leader. Not only do they have a strong vision in their heads – but they can also effectively paint a picture to their employees as to why that vision is important and how to get there.

4. Strategic planning.

Great leaders are also great strategists. They can anticipate what’s ahead, including changes in markets and new trends, and chart the best course for navigating the landscape. They also know how to ensure everyone is focused and working in positions that play to their strengths.

5. Conflict resolution.

Conflict is inevitable when you’re managing people. The best candidates not only expect it, but also know how to diffuse it in a productive manner. They’re also not afraid to bring up difficult topics. They know how to face them and encourage their team to do the same.

6. Delegation.

Great leaders do more than delegate work to get tasks off their own plate. They inspire, as well as gain the cooperation and loyalty of others. They empower their employees by pushing and challenging them to take on new opportunities. And they facilitate team problem solving, leading to creative and innovative solutions.

Need more help hiring great leaders for your company? Call Pacific ExecSearch. Our team of experienced executive recruiters in Sacramento, CA has the knowledge and proven processes in place to help you attract, evaluate and ultimately hire top leaders for your senior level opportunities. Call us today to learn more.