As one of Sacramento’s top staffing firms, we know that being in a leadership position means you have to wear many hats – from visionary and number cruncher to problem solver and disciplinarian. But sometimes all those hats can weigh you down, causing you to get stressed and overwhelmed in the process. And when this happens, it’s easy to take out your anxiety on those closest to you…namely, your employees.

So is there a way you can lessen your stress load so that you can be a more effective leader?

According to a recent study there is – and the answer is simpler than you might think.

A study conducted by researchers at Northern Illinois University and published in the Journal of Business & Psychology found that stressed out managers vent their frustrations less on employees when they exercised regularly.

The study involved 98 MBA students and their 98 supervisors. In it, the students were tasked with rating their perceptions of how abusive their supervisors were; for example, rating statements such as: “my supervisor puts me down in front of others.” Meanwhile, their supervisors were asked to answer questions about how often they exercised and to rate their level of workplace stress.

Not surprisingly, the research indicated that when supervisors were stressed, but engaged in regular, moderate exercise, their employees reported lower levels of abusive behavior. According to the study, the types of exercises the supervisors performed were irrelevant; it was the act of exercising one or two days a week that mattered.

The lesson here?

If you’re in a leadership position and are feeling the pressure, then hit the gym. A few hours of exercise each week can help you deal with stress in a more productive way, rather than directing your anxiety at your employees. Not only that, but it will also improve your overall mood – along with your waistline – in the process.

And if some of your stress is being caused by staffing headaches, then give us a call. As one of Sacramento’s top staffing firms – with more than 25 years of experience providing staffing and workforce solutions – Pacific Staffing has developed distinctive programs designed to respond to all of your staffing needs. Learn more now.