Imagine this scenario:

You interview with several prospective employers for job openings. One in particular stands out as your dream job – and your dream company to work for. The only trouble is that the runner up just called and offered you a position. Should you hold off – or bite the bullet and accept it?

Unfortunately, there’s no easy answer to this scenario. As one of the leading employment agencies in Sacramento, CA, Pacific Staffing knows that it really depends on your unique situation – your career, the industry you work in, your financial situation, and more. But to help you in your decision making process, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Does the job that’s being offered seem like a good fit? While the offer of work might give you a temporary sense of security, if the position doesn’t mesh with your skills and personality, then you’ll likely find yourself back on the market sooner rather than later.
  • What are your career goals? If the position will offer you the opportunity to achieve your “bigger picture” career goals, then it may be worth a second look…even if it doesn’t seem ideal at the moment. For instance, if you want to earn an advanced degree and the company is willing to pay for it, then that benefit may be too good to pass up.
  • What shape are your finances in? You might be in a situation where your finances require you to accept the offer. However, if your finances are in decent shape and you’re confident that you’ll land your dream job or another job soon enough, then you may want to hold off.
  • Do you want to work for the company? If the company has a bad reputation and you know past employees who were unhappy there, then that’s a good reason to take a pass on the job offer. But, on the flip side, if you know the company is a solid employer, then that’s one point in the “pros” column.
  • Do you want to do the job? If the job requires you to work in an environment that could take a toll on you or to perform tasks you don’t enjoy or agree with, then a polite “thanks, but no thanks” will serve you well in this situation.

Still Not Sure What to Do?

If you’ve weighed the pros and cons at length and still don’t know what to do, then it’s time to go with your gut. And keep in mind: While there may not be a perfect or right answer in this situation, once you do make a decision, it’s important to forge ahead, full speed.

Want More Help With Your Job Search?

If you didn’t get the job offer and are looking for more leads, let Pacific Staffing know. As one of the leading employment agencies in Sacramento, CA, we can find opportunities that are a terrific match for your unique talents and abilities. Contact Pacific Staffing today to get started.