As a leading staffing services firm in Rancho Cordova, Pacific Staffing knows there’s nothing more frustrating about the hiring process than when you hire someone who looked great on paper and performed well during interviews…only to find out they’re a dud. They’re simply not performing to expectations.

While the disappointment will fade, the cost in terms of time, training, and morale are very real, making hiring mistakes all the more painful.

So if you’ve had your recent share of bad hires – and want to improve your hiring process – here’s a look at some reasons you might be making the wrong choices:

Poor Job Specifications.

Many times, hiring managers or recruiters put together vague or generic job specifications. And when a candidate accepts a job based on a vague description, they oftentimes find out that reality doesn’t match up once they’re on the job, leading to discontent and fast turnover.

Not Asking the Right Interview Questions.

Sometimes hiring managers get so caught up in asking clever or off-the-wall interview questions that they forget the main goal of the interview: to weed out bad candidates and hire good ones. And even bad candidates can answer these kinds of questions well.

Instead, ask a range of questions, including behavioral ones, that will help you get behind the mask of the candidate and uncover the facts and information you really need to know to hire right.

Hiring Out of Desperation.

When you’re in a rush to hire, hiring mistakes will ensue. So while it might seem like there’s not enough time to hire right, if you don’t, then you’ll likely have to do it over. Think of it this way: Would you rather wish you had the right person on board, or wish you hadn’t hired the wrong person?

Not Making Hiring a Priority.

For many managers, hiring is a burden, a hassle, a pain in the neck. However, it’s really an opportunity to strengthen your team and build a stronger organization. So rather than just going through the motions and hiring to fill an empty seat, make hiring the priority it should be.

Need Help Hiring Right?

If you do, let Pacific Staffing know. As a leading staffing services firm in Rancho Cordova, we take the time to get to know our clients and our candidates so that we can make the best matches between the two. Contact Pacific Staffing today to learn more about how we can help you.