When an interview goes well, you just know it. You mesh well with the interviewer and feel totally confident with your responses.

However, as one of the leading employment firms in Sacramento, Pacific Staffing knows the signs of a bad interview can be a little more subtle. You might just think the interviewer is busy…when really, they’re just not that into you.

So what are some signs that an interview is a bust – and it’s time to move onto the next opportunity? Here’s a look:

The interviewer gets your name wrong.

Hiring is probably one of the most important functions any company can undertake. After all, without the right people in the right place, a company is going to fall apart pretty quickly. So when an interviewer is unprepared and doesn’t even know your name, it’s a sign that a) the company is hiring under the gun and feeling desperate and b) the hiring manager doesn’t care enough about the process to review your resume ahead of time.

The interviewer keeps taking calls during your interview.

Whether they keep interrupting you to take a call, respond to an email, or reply to a text, what they’re really saying is “My time is more important than yours, so you’re just going to have to wait.” This kind of rude behavior may be a sign of what’s to come should you accept a position with the company. Or it could be a sign they already have someone in mind for the job and are simply going through the motions at this point.

The interview only lasts a few minutes.

A job interview is a critically important component of the hiring process. It’s kind of like a date, where the candidate and the employer get to know each other and then, if things go well, decide about next steps. So if your interview is really short, it could be a sign that you’re not the right fit and the interviewer sees it right away or they’ve already extended an offer and are just interviewing you as a courtesy rather than cancelling.

The interviewer doesn’t ask you many questions.

Interviews should be like conversations and both parties should do about an equal amount of talking. So if the interviewer keeps blabbing through the entire interview without letting you get a word in edgewise, then it may be a sign that they’re unprepared, not serious about hiring, or already have someone in mind they want ot hire.

The interviewer gives off bad body language.

Whether they’re not making eye contact with you, looking at their watch constantly, or never crack a smile, it’s not a good sign. They may not be interested in you as a candidate, have someone else in mind to hire, or could be just plain rude.

Are You a Qualified Candidate Looking for a Great Opportunity?

If you are, let Pacific Staffing know. As one of the leading employment firms in Sacramento, Pacific Staffing is always on the lookout for smart, dependable and qualified people to put to work in great opportunities. Contact us today to learn more.