As one of the leading employment agencies in Sacramento, California, Pacific Staffing knows there’s plenty of misinformation out there about conducting an effective job search. To bust some of those myths – and help you in your quest to land a great job – here’s a look at 5 of them…and the fact behind the fiction:

Myth #1: You can only network with peers, not family and friends.

If you’re searching for a new job, then networking with your peers should be a big part of your efforts. But your networking shouldn’t stop there. You should also be tapping into all of your resources, including family and friends. Many of them have jobs, right? So it simply makes sense to ask for references to potential opportunities from all of your connections, not just your peers.

Myth #2: You can only apply for jobs that are a perfect fit.

Fit is absolutely essential when it comes to finding the right job. But a good fit goes beyond the actual job and includes the company, as well. So if there’s a company you desperately want to work for and they have an opening that isn’t ideal for you, apply anyway (as long as you’re qualified). Many companies hire from within, so there’s a good chance you could land your dream job – at your dream company – just by getting your foot in the door.

Myth #3: You should apply for every job in your field.

This is the flip side of Myth #2 where you’re applying for anything and everything in your field and hoping something will work out. But doing so takes a lot of time; time you could be spending creating stronger cover letters and resumes for fewer, better fit positions. Instead, focus on those positions that are a match for your background and really spark your interest.

Myth #4: Cover letters aren’t that important.

A good cover letter can be your ticket into an interview. Yes, there are hiring managers who don’t read cover letters and simply skim resumes. But there are just as many hiring managers who do read cover letters. And when you apply for a job, you don’t know whom you’re dealing with. Don’t leave an opportunity to impress on the table by sending along a boilerplate cover letter. Spend time crafting a letter with some personality and important facts about your unique background.

Myth #5: You can do it all yourself.

Sure, you can go it alone. But doing so might mean being unemployed longer than necessary. So reach out to your network for help in your search; use job search resources like those available through your alumni association or any business associations you belong to; and, if you’re still struggling, enlist professional help from a Sacramento employment agency. Don’t be afraid to ask for help! The more people involved in your effort to obtain a new job, the faster your search will be.

Ready to get professional help with your job search? Let Pacific Staffing know. As one of the leading employment agencies in Sacramento, California, Pacific Staffing is always on the lookout for smart, dependable and qualified people to put to work in great opportunities. Contact us today to learn more.